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Last Updated: Mar 2025

Top 10 Best Free Car Locator Apps - Find Your Car

Whether you want to avoid wandering around parking lots to find your car, or you want to find a spot, car locator apps can help you save time.

Google Maps -Street maps, real-time traffic conditions, route planning by car or foot
  • Free
  • iOS / Android
Visit Site
Parkify -Track the location of 1 or multiple cars with Bluetooth technology
  • Free, in-app purchases
  • Android
Find My Car Smarter -This app saves your parking location and is synced with Dropbox for sharing
  • Free
  • iOS
Waze -Community-based app that lets you outsmart traffic and find the best route
  • Free
  • iOS / Android
Find My Car -Featured in The Sunday Telegraph as one of the best gadgets for your car
  • Free
  • iOS
Find Your Car with AR -Uses 3D AR technology to show you the direction your car is located
  • Free
  • iOS / Android
Honk -Find and pay for your parking spot using this time-saving app
  • Free
  • iOS / Android
Anchor Point -Find the coordinates to your parked car even without internet
  • $1.99
  • iOS
My Car Locator Free -Helps you find your parked car and guide you back to it with step-by-step directions
  • Free
  • Android
ParkMe -Save money by finding the closest and cheapest parking spots around
  • Free
  • iOS / Android

What Is the Best Car Locator App?

We all have those moments when we just can’t seem to remember where we parked our car and all that's left to is to wonder: "How can I find my car now?" If you're one of those people who have to take a picture of your parking spot to remember where you parked, or if you find yourself wandering, beeping your car remote just to find your vehicle, this list is for you.

Whether you’re running errands, parking for the day, or doing anything else that requires parking, tools exist that can really save you time and reduce pressure.

Read on as we give a breakdown of the top tools to help you find your parked car in seconds.

Our Top 10 Best Car Locator Apps to Find Your Car:

  • Google Maps - Best for street maps, real-time traffic conditions, and route planning
  • Parkify - Best for tracking the location of multiple cars with Bluetooth technology
  • Find My Car Smarter - Best for saving parking location and syncing with Dropbox for sharing
  • Waze - Best for community-based traffic navigation and finding the best route
  • Find My Car - Best for finding your parked car, featured as one of the best gadgets for your car
  • Find Your Car with AR - Best for using 3D AR technology to locate your car's direction
  • Honk - Best for finding and paying for parking spots conveniently
  • Anchor Point - Best for finding parked car coordinates without internet
  • My Car Locator Free - Best for locating parked cars and guiding back with step-by-step directions
  • ParkMe - Best for finding closest and cheapest parking spots

1. Google Maps

To use Google Maps to find your car, just set your phone’s location services for the Google Maps app to “always,” and turn on the “know where you parked” option. This will give Google access to your phone’s motion activity so that the app can know when you’re in motion (driving), and when you’ve stopped (parked).

The app also does a lot of things on its own to make your life easier, like sending you notifications of how long you’ve been parked in the same place. This can be really useful for when you’re parked in a spot with a time limit.

2. Parkify

Parkify may look straightforward, but this app has more features than it lets on. You can track your car’s location with Bluetooth, or rely on its motion recognition technology to detect every time you step out of your car.

Additionally, you can share your car’s location with others and synchronize the location through multiple apps.

3. Find My Car Smarter

Find My Car Smarter really is smart, and helps you find your car by using a combination of bluetooth and GPS. The second you park, the app will pick up and save your location. When you are done with what you’re doing and need to find your car again, the app shows you the location and tells you how far you are from it.

The best part about the app though, is that it syncs with Dropbox so that the location can be shared between a group or with friends or family members.

4. Waze

Waze, which was acquired by Google for nearly $1 billion, is the popular social-based app that sends you real-time driving directions based off of users’ traffic reports. Though most users know of Waze for its directions and traffic updates, it also has a parking feature.

To use this feature, just close the Waze app after you’ve parked, and the app will automatically add a pin to the parking location on a map. The minute you open your app again, you will see where your car is parked, as well as a walking ETA to get to it.

5. Find My Car

For an app that can tell you where you parked, as well as guide you to the exact location, try Find My Car. Lauded by the Sunday Telegraph and Wall Street Journal, Find My Car uses maps, street views, and augmented reality to direct you to the exact location of your car. Using Find My Car is as simple as turning on Location Services on your phone and saving your car location on the map once you park.

6. Find Your Car with AR

Find Your Car with AR helps you find your car no matter where you parked. But what gives it an advantage over other apps is that it uses augmented reality technology to make finding your car that much easier. You can see the street address close to where you parked, as well as the surrounding areas.

7. Honk

Honk helps you find a place to park your car and helps you find your car after it’s parked. If you don’t want to rely on the app’s GPS, you can write in a memo directly in the app, or take a photo or video of your spot.

8. Anchor Point

Anchor Point can be as fun to use as it is helpful. This simple navigational tool provides maps, compass readings, and coordinates that help you hunt down your car. But you don’t need to be an adventurer to make sense of it.

The simple, stripped-down interface provides you with arrows and even time estimates in walking distance, making it easy to find your car and have a little fun doing it, even if you don’t have access to WiFi.

9. My Car Locator Free

My Car Locator is a no-frills app that does just as it says. You can use regular maps or street views to navigate to the spot where you left your car. When you’re ready to leave, the app will give you walking directions complete with directional arrows. My Car Locator Free also has a paid, $1.29 pro version.

10. ParkMe

ParkMe is an award-winning app that helps you find a parking spot. The app operates in over 123,000 locations, 9,700 cities, and on 7 continents. It’s the largest and most accurate database where you can see real-time information on how many spots are available, and where. The app is always being updated for accuracy.

Lost No Longer

Not being able to find your car is not only annoying but time-consuming. You can waste precious time walking the streets or wandering empty parking lots. Car locator apps are inexpensive, easy to use, and resolve all your parking issues with minimal effort needed. To save yourself time, use a car locator app, which is sure to make your life easier and less stressful.

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