Cheating in a relationship is more common than you'd think. And with apps like Zoosk and eharmony making it easier than ever to meet new people, it's normal to worry that your partner might be cheating.
Unfortunately, for a few unlucky folks, this fear came true. This Reddit thread by DEDCMDM94 hosts a collection of outrageous stories about people catching their significant others in the act.
Here are the 10 most astonishing ways people have discovered their partners' affairs.
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1. A Myspace Quiz
SquidwardtortelIini's partner thought she could hide in plain sight—if you can even call it hiding. In a Myspace quiz asking, "Who was the last person you kissed/had sex with," she answered with someone else's name.
If you're going to air your extra-relationship activities online, you're probably going to get caught.

2. A Not-So-Pleasant Surprise
Joppike had a coworker who wanted to surprise his wife with flowers after getting off work early—but instead, she surprised him. After a 30-hour shift, he found her in bed with someone else. This wasn't even the first time she'd cheated.
In a situation like this, it's best to either move on or go to couples therapy to work through any ongoing issues.
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3. An Unexpected Ally
Bboy_samsung's partner's brother was more loyal to him than she was. In a serious conversation, the brother told him that he'd caught his sister with a mutual friend of theirs. He broke up with her—and stayed friends with her brother.
Now and then, what we get most out of relationships are not the relationships themselves but the unexpected connections we make through them.

4. A Surprising Text From a "Friend"
Disguising an affair partner's name in your contacts only goes so far. One deleted user saw a text on their wife's phone from one of her friends—then saw that it was a dick pic. "Her friend doesn't have a penis." So clearly, it wasn't really from the friend.
While you'll probably want to check every text your partner gets in the future, catching them in the act doesn't need to mean the end of your relationship.
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5. An Elaborate 10-Step Plan
It's not super respectful to read a partner's diary, but sometimes, it does give you valuable information.
Decorama let curiosity get the better of him when he found his wife's notebook. But instead of to-do lists and have-to-try recipes, he found 10 steps detailing how she planned to leave him for another guy.
If you're cheating, you should at least be considerate enough to leave your partner in a single step.
6. A Destroyed Phone Screen
Toronto_programmer's girlfriend probably didn't realize what she was doing when she asked him to back up her data after her screen broke. Of course, that's how he found "dirty messages and nudes with another guy."
When you find something shocking on your partner's phone, it's best to confront them directly.
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7. A Wailord-Sized Lie
When OfficeOrnament's ex complained that Pokémon GO was using all her data, they looked in her settings and realized that it was, in fact, Tinder burning through her data. And while he was sad to discover this, he also thought it was funny.
Sometimes all you can do is laugh—it definitely beats crying.
8. A Used Condom
Sharkfinnpapa checked the trash for lost tickets but found a used condom instead. Given that they had no roommates, it was pretty clear how it got there.
No matter how well you cover your tracks, the universe can still find a way for your partner to discover that you're cheating.
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9. A Man's Best Friend
Another deleted user and their ex were drinking with her coworker at home. After going to bed, said user came back out when they heard the dog scratching at the door.
While the ex and her coworker had stopped talking, he didn't think he'd catch them getting hot and heavy on the couch. There's no doubt that the "[d]og is the hero of this story."
Knowledge is power—it's better to know the truth than to live someone else's lie.
10. A Family Dilemma
Bassman1976's dad caught his wife in bed with someone else one night. The twist? It was her cousin. The mom and her cousin had been having an affair even before she met the dad.
While he wanted to leave her, he stayed so they could give their child a normal life. Bassman1976 wishes, though, that they got separated instead—at least they would've been happy.
It's better to end a relationship than to stay in one where you're unhappy.
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Are Cheaters Bad People?
Don't be misled by common misconceptions about cheating. You can trust someone who's cheated before. And you can be happy again with someone who's cheated on you.
The truth is that all situations are unique, and sometimes, a couple can recover from cheating. However, if you are cheating, you have a better shot of reconciling with your partner if you are honest about it.
As these stories show, getting caught unexpectedly will only make matters worse. And even if you think you've covered all your bases, getting caught is still very much possible.
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