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The Best Home Warranty for A/C and Heating Units

Top10.com Staff
A/C repairs can get costly
Summer is almost here and winter will soon follow, and while that’s exciting to some, it can also be worrisome to homeowners. A/C and heating units are often overworked and repairs or replacements can become costly. Luckily there’s a solution known as a home warranty plan.

A home warranty is a service contract that covers the cost of repairing or replacing damaged appliances and systems in your home. You pay a monthly or annual fee, and when something stops working, all you have to do is make a claim and a technician will be sent out to repair or replace it.

Do Home Warranty Plans Cover A/C and Heating Units?

Most home warranty companies offer a range of different plans at different price points. Some of these include A/C and heating units, while others don’t. There may also be occasions when your A/C or heating unit may not be covered, even if you have these systems included in your plan.

It’s important to check these details before selecting a plan, and ensure you are covered for the systems and items you need cover for. Ask to see a sample copy of a policy before you commit to a plan.

When Are They Covered by a Home Warranty Plan?

An A/C or heating unit will usually be covered by a home warranty plan if it stops working due to deterioration over time, or one of the parts needs replacing.

When Are They Not Covered by a Home Warranty Plan?

A home warranty company may refuse to provide a repair or replacement service if it looks like your A/C or heating system hasn’t been maintained properly, has unusual wear and tear, if it hasn’t been installed properly, or if it has a pre-existing condition.

Why Is a Home Warranty Plan a Good Idea?

When it comes to something like an A/C or heating unit—these usually make a noticeable difference to your home environment. You don’t want to be living in a freezing house during the winter months, and equally you don’t want to be sweltering in the hot summers.

A home warranty plan will give you peace of mind. You won’t have to worry about something potentially breaking down at the most inconvenient moment, or how much it’s going to cost to repair.

And since most plans cover a multitude of items and systems, it makes sense for most homeowners to invest in one.

How to File a Claim with a Home Warranty Company

Filing a claim with a home warranty company is simple. Here’s what it will look like with the majority of companies:

  1. Decide on your preferred home warranty company and plan
  2. When something breaks down or needs repairing, make a claim using the details provided by the company in your plan (usually by phone, or email)
  3. The home warranty company will then call one of their known, local technicians, and arrange a suitable appointment with you
  4. The technician will arrive, and you will pay them a small service fee (see below for average price)
  5. They will fix the item, or you will be ordered a replacement free of charge

Pricing of Claims and Repairs

Most home warranty companies offer a range of plans to suit different homeowners and their needs. Monthly plans usually range from between $30 to $50, while annual plans range from $300 to $600.

Most companies charge a standard $60 service fee for each item to be repaired, which is payable to the contractor upon arrival. This is the industry average, but some companies do charge a little more.

The Top 4 Home Warranty Companies for A/C and Heating Units

Choice Home Warranty

  • All plans are 100% transferable, which enables you to pass it on if you sell your house before your plan expires
  • High reported levels of satisfaction with customer service
  • The first month of any plan is free
  • They have a call center which is open 24/7
  • Commercial grade equipment or systems in your home are not covered
  • There are certain exclusions to be aware of, including issues caused by rust or power surges

Choice Home Warranty has a large base of long-term customers, and is one of the well-established companies. If you’re looking for top rated customer service and a cost effective premium, this brand will tick the boxes.

It’s also perfect for landlords, realtors, and homeowners who may be selling their home in the near future, and can take advantage of the transferrable feature of the plans.

Choice Home Warranty Choice Home Warranty Visit Site

Select Home Warranty

  • $100 off, plus 2 extra months free on all new plans
  • The limits of the warranty are made clear
  • An online chat facility is available to answer any questions you might have
  • Claims can be made in whichever way is most convenient for you
  • Warranty does not cover any items that have previously been repaired
  • Coverage value is limited in the first 3 months

Select Home Warranty is perfect for homeowners looking for comprehensive coverage at an affordable price, as well as the convenience of making a claim in a way that causes minimal disruption to their day.

Select Home is best suited to those with newer homes that have not undergone previous repair.

Select Home Warranty Select Home Warranty Visit Site

First American Home Warranty

  • Extensive sample contract is available to view on the website, which details limits of coverage, warranty dollar amount limitations, buyer's responsibilities, etc
  • May cover issues caused by rust, corrosion, lack of maintenance, sediment, and even pest control in some areas (see your plan for details)
  • Listing coverage available for sellers
  • Sample policy clearly highlights elements that are not covered
  • Repair jobs are dispatched to service contractors within 4 hours during regular business hours
  • Service fee is $75 for each item (the industry average is $60)
  • Repair or replacement of ice makers, ice crushers, beverage dispensers, and their respective equipment will only be completed when parts are available

First American Home Warranty is suited to anyone who is looking for a fast service, and a wider ranging list of service inclusions.

Anyone living in a townhouse, mobile home or condominium is also able to take advantage of their lower premium offerings.

Select Home Warranty Select Home Warranty Visit Site

Total Home Protection

  • Pre-screened professionals local to customers
  • Monthly and annual plans to fit any household budget
  • $50 off, and the first month free
  • Round the clock support - including live chat functionality
  • You have to dig deeper on the website to find more detailed information about plans and pricing

Total Home Protection offers fast and comprehensive coverage at an affordable price.

Its 24/7 support and low trade-service fee would suit anyone who wants assurance that help is only a call away, but also has a budget to stick to.

First American Home Warranty First American Home Warranty Visit Site

Choose the Right Home Warranty Plan Today

Whatever your budget or requirements, there is a home warranty plan to suit your needs. Use the information provided above to help you select a suitable plan that covers A/C and heating units. Investing in a home warranty plan will reduce stress, save you time, and give you the peace of mind you’ve been searching for.

Top10.com Staff
Top10.com's editorial staff is a professional team of editors and writers with dozens of years of experience covering consumer, financial and business products and services.