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ReasonLabs Cyber Security Review

Enterprise cyber security for the home user
By Richard SutherlandBy Richard Sutherland -
Last Updated: Mar 13, 2023
very good
very good
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From $9.37
Up to 5
Free Version

Our Verdict 

Is ReasonLabs Worth It?

After testing the complete set of available tools from ReasonLabs, I think it could become one of the better options for cyber defense. However, the company has a few flaws to iron out first. 

Customer support is relatively slow, there’s limited documentation, and it’s difficult to uninstall the antivirus program. But ReasonLabs comes from a team that knows its stuff and they tell me they are working on improving their website and processes.

From $9.37
Up to 5
Free Version

ReasonLabs Pros & Cons


Developed by seasoned veterans in the cyber security industry
Protects against several potential types of cyber attack
Reasonably priced


Difficult to uninstall
Limited customer support

How do I know I can trust this ReasonLabs review?

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ReasonLabs at a Glance

What is ReasonLabs?

ReasonLabs offers a set of cyber security tools for individuals, families, and small businesses. ReasonLabs aims to deliver a level of security previously only reserved for large enterprises. It does this by offering cutting-edge protection from viruses, malware, ransomware, and other cyber attacks.

ReasonLabs Features

RAV Endpoint Protection

ReasonLabs’ flagship product is RAV Endpoint Protection, an antivirus, and anti-malware scanning program. You can use it to scan your PC for unwanted programs and remove them. It has real-time protection, so it can automatically scan new files and processes on your computer to block malicious software from running. 

Reason VPN

ReasonLabs also offers a virtual private network (VPN) service called Reason VPN. It’s available for Windows and Android. When you use Reason VPN, all your internet traffic is encrypted and routed through a third-party server. This improves privacy, anonymity, and security when browsing the internet.

Safer Web

Another product in the ReasonLabs suite of cyber-security software is Safer Web. This is a content filter for your PC and Android devices. When running, Safer Web will attempt to block ads, data tracking, and content from suspicious websites when you’re browsing the internet.


There’s also FamilyKeeper, a separate product from ReasonLabs for monitoring the websites your children browse on their phones. It’s available as a separate purchase from the standard plans. 

Is ReasonLabs Safe and Reliable?

ReasonLabs history and credentials

ReasonLabs products come from a team that’s well-versed in cyber security. The company is a member of the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization (AMTSO), the Microsoft Intelligent Security Association (MISA), and the Association of Antivirus Asia Researchers (AVAR).

ReasonLabs is also known for its pioneering research. The company uncovered a multimillion-dollar global online credit card scam in 2022 and frequently reports on the most significant new threats and trends in cyber security.

In 2022, OPSWAT—a global leader in Critical Infrastructure Protection (CIP) cyber security—awarded ReasonLabs’ RAV Endpoint Protection a gold certificate for its anti-malware features.

ReasonLabs uninstall issue

Many RAV Endpoint Protection customers have complained online that they found it difficult to uninstall the software once it’s installed. 

My testing confirms this issue. Installing the software on a fresh Windows 10 installation and attempting to uninstall it failed with the error message ‘Uninstall did not complate [sic]’. This is despite using the latest software version sent to me by ReasonLabs support.

This uninstall issue has been ongoing for over a year, and ReasonLabs will have to fix it before I can consider the software a safe and reliable choice.

How ReasonLabs Works

ReasonLabs’ main product is its family of antivirus, VPN, and ad-blocking solutions. Using these together, you can help to protect yourself from common cyber attacks.

How To Get Started With ReasonLabs

After purchasing a plan from ReasonLabs, you are sent a link to the software to install on your Windows machine.

If you choose the RAV Elite or Family Plan options, you’ll get a separate VPN application for Windows. You can also download the Safer Web app to your Android devices from the Play Store.  

There is also a ReasonLabs Chrome web extension available on the Chrome web store. This extension will block you from browsing suspicious websites known for malware and phishing attempts. It will disable extensions on your browser that are known to hijack sessions and it will block most tracking cookies. Files you download will be monitored and scanned by RAV Endpoint Protection.

Installing the programs is straightforward and the user interface is easy to understand. With the antivirus program, you can perform a quick scan for viruses or set up automated, scheduled scans.

ReasonLabs Customer Service

ReasonLabs has a telephone sales line and technical support is available through email. ReasonLabs states that each email should receive a response within 24 hours. In my testing, responses took an average of 28 hours and provided informative replies to my queries.

ReasonLabs offers a small FAQ section for each of its products. It also has a blog with up-to-date details on cyber security news and the latest threats. 

I would like to see more helpful documentation on how to use ReasonLabs’ software. ReasonLabs advised me that their website is currently going through a transitional period, so we can perhaps expect to see better information shortly.

How To Cancel or Pause a ReasonLabs Subscription

Canceling a subscription with ReasonLabs requires contacting the support team by email. It’s not possible to pause your ReasonLabs subscription.

Is There a ReasonLabs App?

ReasonLabs offers four different apps for Android devices. Two of these apps are used for the optional FamilyKeeper parental supervision.

The Safer Web app blocks ads and data trackers while you’re browsing the internet on your phone. Finally, the Reason VPN app is a virtual private network service you can use to encrypt all the data you send over the internet.

The ReasonLabs apps are well laid out and easy to understand, and the Safer Web app has a 30-day free trial.

ReasonLabs Pricing

How Much Does ReasonLabs Cost?

ReasonLabs is available in three plans. Payment is made annually on a subscription basis. The first year of service includes a discount—typically 60-68%—depending on region.

RAV Premium
RAV Elite
Family Pack

Cost Per Month*








RAV Antivirus




Ransomware Protection




Unwanted Software Blocker




Webcam Protection




Reason VPN




Ad Blocker




* Based on the annual fees of $112.48, $157.48, and $182.48, respectively. The initial year typically has an additional 60-68% discount based on region.

The entry-level RAV Premium plan has typical antivirus program features. This includes protecting your computer from malicious programs in real-time, scanning for ransomware, and the option to remove threats from your machine. It’s the right choice if you just want protection from viruses, malware, and other unwanted programs.

The RAV Elite plan adds a VPN service, so all your internet browsing will be encrypted. It also adds an ad blocker for your browser that removes pesky web ads and blocks access to suspicious domains. Choose this plan if you want additional protection while browsing the internet.

The Family Pack is identical to the RAV Elite plan, but you can use it on five devices instead of one. Consider choosing this plan if you want to use ReasonLabs’ products on multiple devices as it represents a considerable cost saving over purchasing multiple plans.

Optional add-ons

ReasonLabs’ FamilyKeeper is an additional product that’s not included in the plans outlined above. It’s a pair of parental supervision apps for Android devices. Parents install the FamilyKeeper Parent app on their phones and the FamilyKeeper Kid app on their children’s devices.

FamilyKeeper will send you live alerts when your child is exposed to digital threats on their device. You can track your child’s location at all times. FamilyKeeper has options for limiting the time your kids can spend online. 

FamilyKeeper costs $12.64 per month if you pay monthly or the equivalent of $3.16 per month if you buy an annual subscription. The first year has a 50% discount.

Most of ReasonLabs products are available as standalone purchases. For example, Reason VPN can be purchased separately for $12.95 per month. Significant discounts are available for longer subscriptions. For instance, a two-year subscription costs the equivalent of $3.45/month.

Similarly, if you only want the Safer Web product, you can get it for $4.20 per month—or the equivalent of $3.15 per month if you purchase a two-year plan.

ReasonLabs Alternatives

How Does ReasonLabs Compare to Other Cyber Security?












Credit monitoring





Password manager





Cloud backup





System Tune-up Tools





* Monthly price based on an undiscounted annual plan

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ReasonLabs vs McAfee

McAfee offers a similar set of products to ReasonLabs, but McAfee’s more premium plans include many features that ReasonLabs doesn’t. 

Additional features include identity theft protection, credit monitoring, and $25,000 coverage against loss from ransomware. McAfee VPN is included with all plans, whereas ReasonLabs reserves this for its higher-priced Elite plan.

In my experience of testing cyber security solutions, I’ve found the McAfee support team more responsive than ReasonLabs’ customer support.

However, all these features bump McAfee’s pricing to over double ReasonLabs’ highest price, so you must carefully consider whether you will get value from these additions.

ReasonLabs vs Norton

Norton is another popular cyber security company with products comparable to ReasonLabs. Its pricing is similar, but Norton includes extra features such as a password manager, identity theft protection, and dark web monitoring. 

All of Norton’s plans include cloud backup. I’d consider Norton over ReasonLabs if you’re looking to store a copy of important documents or treasured photos online.

ReasonLabs vs TotalAV

TotalAV is like ReasonLabs in that it offers a base antivirus product with an additional fee for a VPN and ad-blocking features. TotalAV also includes PC tune-up software designed to clean out old temporary files on your computer.

Consider TotalAV over ReasonLabs if you would value the inclusion of a PC tuning application as part of your plan. However, be advised that consumer reviews of TotalAV often complain that canceling a subscription with TotalAV is an unreasonably laborious process. 

Bottom Line (Is ReasonLabs Worth It?)

ReasonLabs offers several tools that work together to protect you from cyber attacks. The most prominent of these are an antivirus, a VPN, and a content blocker. It’s priced comparably to most competitors.

I find ReasonLabs to be a good product in need of better documentation and more responsive customer support. ReasonLabs doesn’t yet have a free trial download, and it’s difficult to uninstall the antivirus program once it is installed. 

The team behind ReasonLabs has proven to be skilled at tracking cyber threats, so ReasonLabs could become a more compelling choice if they iron out these issues.

Frequently Asked Questions
Where is ReasonLabs headquarters?+-

ReasonLabs has headquarters in Tel Aviv, Israel, and New York, USA. It also has offices in Dubai, Madrid, and Kyiv.

Is RAV Endpoint a virus?+-

RAV Endpoint Protection is an antivirus solution from ReasonLabs that scans for cyber threats. It’s not a virus.

Why is RAV Endpoint Protection on my computer?+-

RAV Endpoint Protection is an antivirus program. If it’s on your computer, someone has installed it. Sometimes, RAV Endpoint Protection is bundled in with installers for other applications.

Richard Sutherland writes for Top10.com. With over 20 years experience in web development, SEO, and marketing, Richard has worked with and developed software for huge brands like Samsung and Prudential Insurance. He has written for top tech websites, covering topics that include web hosting, consumer and business technology, and SaaS platforms.

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