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Last Updated: Mar 2025

The Best Kids Safe Phones of 2025
Find the perfect phone for your child

Whether it's for safety, control, or just staying connected, every parent has unique needs for their child's phone. Compare our top kid-friendly phone options below.

Our Top 3 Cell Phone Plans Available in Indiana
Easy Signup
very good
Designed to look like a smartphone
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Strong parental controls
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Mint Mobile
Mint Mobile
very good
Plans from $15/month
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Our Most Popular
Bark -Kids phone with built-in customizable parental controls that sends alerts to your phoneRead Review
  • Designed to look like a smartphone
  • Unlimited talk, text, data from $49/month
  • Created with feedback from parents
  • The ultimate kid-safe smartphone
very good
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Best for Kids
Gabb -Kid-safe mobiles: Unlimited calls/texts, no internet, smartwatch option.Read Review
  • No internet or social media access
  • Contracts from $12.99/month
  • Built-in GPS Tracking and Safe Zones for kids
Mint Mobile
Mint Mobile -Leading kids' phone provider, flexible plans, wide T-Mobile coverage13,839 reviews
  • Get 5GB/month for 3 months—only $15/month
    Upfront payment of $300 for 12-month plan (equiv. to $25/mo.) req'd. New customer offer for first 12 months only; then full-price plan options available. Taxes & fees extra. Customers who use over 35GB/mo. may notice reduced speeds for the rest of the monthly cycle in certain locations when our network is busy. Includes up to 10GB hotspot. Videos stream at ~480p. Limited time offer. May not be combined w/ other offers; non-transferrable & no cash value. Restrictions apply.
  • Unlimited talk, text, & high-speed data
  • Parents manage accounts & data
Tello -No-contract, affordable & flexible phone plans, powered by T-Mobile12,272 reviews
  • Limited offer: Get unlimited for $15/mo
  • Free mobile hotspot
  • Free international calls to 60+ countries
Ultra Mobile -Flexible cell phone plans with unlimited international calls, powered by T-Mobile1,711 reviews
  • Get any multi-month 3GB plan for just $10/mo
  • Runs on the nation's largest 5G network
  • Flexible data options
Kroger Wireless -Cost-effective, flexible phone plans from $15, powered by T-Mobile37 reviews
  • 50% off 1st month with code: TOP1050D
  • Save 20% on annual plans
  • Bring your existing phone for easy setup
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Our Best Cell Phone Plan Provider
Our #1 Low-Cost Pick
Bark -Kids phone with built-in customizable parental controls that sends alerts to your phoneRead Review
  • Designed to look like a smartphone
  • Unlimited talk, text, data from $49/month
  • Created with feedback from parents
  • The ultimate kid-safe smartphone

Choosing the right phone plan is an important decision - so it’s important to choose wisely. If you’re looking for a cellular company that you’ll be able to stick with for the long run, pay attention to the below factors to make sure that you end up with a provider that’s going to be a great fit — whether for you or your family.

What to Know About Choosing a Cell Phone Plan:

Some of the factors that you may want to bear in mind when weighing up your options include:

Prepaid vs Bill Pay

Some providers charge for their services via a pay-as-you-go (PAYG) model. Under this model, users pay for their service by prepaying for connection vouchers that enable them to remain on the network. The opposite of this is bill pay. Under the bill pay model, subscribers receive a bill at the end of each month with an invoice to pay. Typically this is a fixed monthly fee. But sometimes users may accrue additional charges by using services not included in their package such as: Phone calls that were not included in the package. For instance, those placing international calls may find that they incur extra charges Using more data than was included in the package If you’re shopping for your business then you may prefer to go with a bill pay model so that you can buy bulk subscriptions for all your subscribers. Bill pay is also more convenient for consumers because you don’t have to top up periodically to avoid losing connectivity.

What’s a Data Cap?

When it comes to the type of cellular data that cell phone providers offer, everything is not created equally. While 4G (LTE) is now the standard for reasonably fast connectivity — and can typically support download speeds of up to 100 Mbps — its successor, 5G, is now rolling out around the world. Besides the type of network that providers offer, they also differ in terms of:

  • The bandwidth that they support. This is the total speed of data transfer across the network. During times of heavy load — or when users exceed their data allowance — providers may throttle the network which means reducing speeds. This is done in order to preserve network performance.
  • How much data in total they allow users to access each month. This is sometimes known as a data cap. These vary very widely according to plans. Some providers offer ‘unlimited’ plans — although in practice these are rarely actually unlimited (read the fine print and you’ll likely find there’s a fair use clause). And others provide users with a certain number of gigabytes of cellular data per month. If users go over this then they may be throttled and/or charged extra.


Broadly speaking there are two types of providers that offer cellphone connectivity services: Mobile network operators (MNOs) own and maintain their own infrastructure. That means the base stations and other components that make the network “run”. Mobile virtual network operators (MVNOs). Unlike MNOs these don’t actually own the infrastructure they use to provide the network. Rather they lease it from them. What difference does this make to consumers? MVNOs can be cheaper because they don’t need to pass on the costs of maintaining the network. But MNOs can offer better service and customer support because, after all, they own the network that provides connectivity.

How Much Do Phone Plans Cost?

Prices between providers vary upon the packages offered. Some factors that will commonly affect these include:

  • Subscription periods. Cell phone providers typically try to incentivize users to sign up for longer subscription periods by offering long-term discounts. Some will offer three years plans designed to appeal to those that really want to commit to a network for a lengthy period of time.
  • What’s included. In general the more data, minutes, and other services that are offered the more consumers can expect to pay for those plans.

From some of the plans we have reviewed:

  • Verizon Wireless offers a data plan for about $70/month
  • Tello offers a basic coverage plan for $19/mo for a pay-as-you-go service, so the prices do vary

Find the Best Plan For You

In order to find the very best phone plan for you and your family pay attention to your usage patterns and make a list of the features that are important to you (international calling minutes? A high monthly data plan?). Then sign up for a provider that best fits your needs. If you’re really confident in your choice you can likely lock in discounts by signing up for long-term contracts.

Our Top 3 Picks

  • 1
    A modern child-friendly smartphone
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    • Best For - Child-friendly mobile service
    • Starting Price - $49-$89 per month
    • Plans - Unlimited talk and text, plus varying amounts of data
    A modern child-friendly smartphone
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    Bark offers a modern child-friendly mobile device through its Bark Phone. This is a specially programmed version of Samsung’s Galaxy A13 smartphone, and you can set up the parental controls exactly as you want.

    It’s on the pricier side, but there’s a 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get your phone for free if you commit to a two-year subscription. Plus, Bark boasts many useful online resources, including a comprehensive support center. 

    Overall, I’d highly recommend Bark to anyone looking for a powerful phone that’s safe for kids.  

    Why we chose Bark: We chose Bark because of its highly customizable parental controls, which enable you to control what your children can see and access on their phones. 

    Our experience: We enjoyed using Bark and appreciated the friendly support team and informational website. 

    Read Bark Review

    Bark Pros & Cons


    Highly configurable parental controls
    Attractive Samsung A13 device
    30-day money-back guarantee


    A little pricey
    No bring-your-own-device option
    bark logo
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  • 2
    Secure mobile devices for children
    • Best For - Parents who want a safe, internet-free smartphone experience for their children
    • Starting Price - $12.99 to $29.99
    • Plans - Unlimited talk and text, no data
    Secure mobile devices for children


    Gabb offers child-friendly mobile devices with unlimited minutes and texts. There’s no mobile data, so your children can’t access the internet, social media, or app stores using their devices. The devices are ideal for parents who are concerned about the impact that constant access to technology has on their children. 

    Some parents might consider the phone options a little too restrictive, especially for older teenagers. However, I think the smartwatch is worth considering as a good option for younger children who aren’t ready for their first phone.  

    Why we chose Gabb: For its child-friendly mobile devices and easy-to-use parental controls

    Read Gabb Review

    Gabb Pros & Cons


    Smartwatch device is a great option for younger children
    Easy to configure and use
    Devices are locked down to be suitable for children


    You need to purchase a Gabb device
    Plans are expensive and only provide calls and texts.
  • 3
    Mint Mobile
    3-month introductory offer
    • Best For - Best cell phone plan overall
    • Starting Price - From $15/month
    • Plans - Prepaid
    3-month introductory offer

    Mint Mobile - Best cell phone plan overall

    Mint Mobile gives you access to 5G, cutting-edge technology with high network speed and reliability. Plans also come with unlimited talking and texting, so you never need to worry about topping up or checking if you’re near the limit. And by connecting to your network's servers through the internet, their WiFi messaging and calling feature can also be useful when overseas.

    "With Mint Mobile, you will get reliable service and fast download speeds. They have the fastest download speeds of any mobile network operator I’ve tried,” says Joe Troyer, CEO of tech company Digital Triggers.

    After a few months of using the plan, the customer support team will reach out to help you select one that better suits your usage needs. You can keep your 4G LTE device if you decide on Mint’s “Bring Your Own Phone” program. Although the connection will slow down if you reach the monthly data limit, your service will remain active.

    Why we chose Mint Mobile: Mint Mobile offers robust coverage and cost-effective and customizable plans to match your specific data usage patterns. They’re also committed to providing personalized recommendations based on your usage, improving your experience.

    Our experience: We found Mint Mobile's service highly reliable in urban areas, with a strong signal on their 5G and 4G LTE networks. While several new phones maintained consistent and dependable connections, a few older cell phones weren’t updated and required additional support during the setup process.

    Read Mint Mobile Review

    Mint Mobile Pros & Cons


    WiFi-based texting and calling
    You can keep your device with the “Bring Your Own Phone” program
    Personalized recommendations for plans based on your usage


    Older phones can have trouble connecting to the network
    Connection slows down if you go over the monthly usage limit