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Panic Away Online Therapy Review 2025

Can You Really End Panic Attacks and Anxiety Naturally?

Joshua Moreton

In a Nutshell

Panic Away is a self-help program created by Barry McDonagh. Unlike typical therapy, for a one-time fee, it offers a set of products such as books and CDs that teach you techniques to naturally manage anxiety and panic attacks across a variety of situations. It can’t take the place of a therapist, but Panic Away could be a useful tool if you experience anxiety and panic attacks, like the idea of self-help, and want to avoid medication.


  • Teaches practical techniques to manage anxiety and panic attacks
  • Move at your own pace
  • Variety of program materials and access to a member’s forum


  • No one-to-one therapy (available in a separate program)
  • No live chat or messaging

Panic Away at a Glance

Editorial Score


This category measures the overall quality of the product

Therapist Network

This category measures the overall quality of the product

User Access

This category measures the overall quality of the product

Communication Tools

This category measures the overall quality of the product

Customer Support

This category measures the overall quality of the product
Panic Away Panic Away Visit Site

How Much Does Panic Away Cost?

Panic Away offers three different packages: Silver (digital versions of Panic Away content), Gold (physical versions), or Platinum (digital + physical, access to the online course). Each package is a one-time payment and digital content is available immediately on receipt of purchase.

It also has a money-back guarantee, with no questions asked, if you feel that you have not benefited from the program within eight weeks of purchase.

Type of Plan

What’s Included



Panic Away 245-page e-book

Digital versions of the video and audio content

Access to Panic Away forum and Panic Away Conversations 2018



Panic Away 245-page book

Panic Away DVD

Panic Away CDs

Access to Panic Away forum and Panic Away Conversations 2018



Panic Away 245-page e-book

Digital versions of video and audio content

Panic Away 245-page book

Panic Away DVD

Panic Away CDs

Access to Panic Away forum and Panic Away Conversations 2018


Is Panic Away Covered by Insurance?

The Panic Away website does not state any information as to whether its services are covered by insurance, nor whether it works with any insurers directly or submits bills to private insurers. Your insurance plan, provider, and state regulations will determine whether you will be covered for using Panic Away’s services. 

Some insurance providers do cover online therapy. However, others only provide partial or limited coverage, so check with your provider beforehand.

Are Panic Away Counselors Licensed Professionals?

The Panic Away course materials, including the book, audio, and video content, were all developed by Barry McDonagh. McDonagh is an author in the field of anxiety and self-help. To date, the Panic Away book (2001) has sold 80,000 copies, and his second book, DARE (2015), has sold over 200,000 copies. He has a BA from University College Dublin and an HDip in Psychology from The Open University. However, McDonagh is not a licensed professional in any of the fields of mental health, psychiatry, psychotherapy, or medicine. 

The Panic Away website states that McDonagh developed all the materials through his experience with anxiety and they are not meant to substitute professional support delivered by a licensed therapist. Moreover, the course content has not been evaluated by the Federal Trade Commission, meaning that there are no checks to prevent unfair and/or deceptive practices in the marketplace.

Panic Away Specialties and Areas of Expertise

Barry McDonagh created Panic Away to help those who struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. Panic Away claims to use a mixture of cognitive behavioral therapy and techniques used in logotherapy, a meaning-centered collaborative approach. Specific information about the program’s content and treatments offered are unavailable before you purchase.

Panic Away claims many traditional treatments can be ineffective because they don’t teach the correct techniques to resolve the panic loop. Conversely, Panic Away aims to help you “short-circuit” the panic loop by teaching you tools such as the 21-7 Technique™. This technique, developed and trademarked by McDonagh, aims to end panic attacks within 21 seconds and lower general anxiety episodes within seven minutes. 

In addition to the panic loop, Panic Away aims to teach you techniques to resolve anxious feelings like the following.

  • The feeling of losing control

  • Anxious, intrusive thoughts

  • Discomfort in enclosed spaces or crowds

  • Difficulties socializing

  • Sleep difficulties

How to Get Started with Panic Away

Signing up

I found the signup process fairly straightforward. However, the process can seem overwhelming and cluttered at times due to how the website is structured. 

To sign up, just head to www.panicaway.com and click on “Products” at the top of your screen. The following page will contain narrative information, reviews and testimonials, and course content information. Scroll down to view the Silver, Gold, or Platinum packages at the bottom of the page. Click on “Add to cart” to choose a package and proceed to the payment screen. 

Note: If you hover over the Products button with your mouse, you’ll see three options appear that take you to McDonagh’s complementary anxiety program, DARE. Note that this is a separate program, and in this review I’m only covering Panic Away.

Panic Away Online Therapy Review - Getting Started

Getting matched with a counselor

Unlike traditional or online therapy, with Panic Away, you are not matched with a counselor. The course provides you with self-help therapy to manage anxiety and panic attacks and does not contain any content that involves one-to-one therapy or the opportunity to speak with McDonagh. 

However, you will get access to the Panic Away forums, where you can discuss anxiety and panic-attack-related issues with other members who have acquired the program.

Booking sessions

I like that Panic Away contains different course content media (video, audio, written text) that can be taken at your own pace. Its self-help nature means that you won’t have to book sessions, but rather structure its teachings around your busy schedule. Also, you’ll get to pick and choose which content you want to focus on to ensure you engage only with the support that’s relevant to you.

Panic Away Online Therapy Review Booking

Panic Away Confidentiality

The Panic Away confidentiality statement does not provide any information regarding compliance laws. You must provide personal details to enable your purchase (name, card information, contact email address). The company won’t share personal or identifiable information with other parties unless you choose to receive promotional marketing content from Panic Away and its partners.

Is There a Panic Away App?

Currently, there is no Panic Away app for iOS or Android devices. The program is only available through its website, accessible via PC, Mac, or smartphone/tablet. 

However, the website is optimized for smartphones and tablets. Accessing the website through your device is easy, and I found the display functional and clear. The digital course contents are all usable through your device with standard media players.

Panic Away Online Therapy Review - App

Help and Support 

Panic Away has a support page for submitting requests for help and further information. Navigate to panicaway.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new, enter your contact details, and provide information about your issue within the open box text. 

Panic Away aims to respond within 24 hours, but this can take longer on weekends and holiday periods. I tested this myself and got a response within 24 hours. Currently, there is no option to contact Panic Away via direct email, telephone, or live chat.

An FAQ section is also available. Here, you will find various responses to common questions. There is also a blog that provides helpful anxiety-related content and a YouTube channel, DARE, with extra video content.

How Panic Away Compares to Other Online Therapy Providers

Cost per Session

Modes of Communication


Accepts Insurance

24/7 Access

Panic Away

Teen Counseling



$67.95-$97 (one-time cost)




Book, video, and audio course materials (no live communication with therapists)

Video, phone, message, live chat

Video, phone, message, live chat

Video, phone, message

BA/HDip in psychology



MD, NP, PsyD, master’s level therapists


No, but partial reimbursement available

No, but partial reimbursement available






Panic Away vs. Teen Counseling

Teen Counseling is an online therapy platform that specializes in providing support for teens. It matches you with a licensed therapist based on a screening questionnaire. Conversely, Panic Away is a self-help program to help manage anxiety and panic attacks, for adults or teens. You aren’t matched with a therapist and can go through the materials at your own pace.

Panic Away vs. ReGain

ReGain is a couples’ counseling e-therapy platform. Unlike Panic Away, you’re provided one-to-one therapy with a therapist selected for your current difficulties and goals with therapy. It's able to meet a wide variety of relationship problems. Panic Away, on the other hand, specializes only in anxiety and panic attacks and has no components for managing relationships. 

Panic Away vs. Amwell

Amwell connects you with licensed medical practitioners and therapists who can provide one-to-one therapy, assist you with physical ailments, or provide prescriptions. You schedule appointments to discuss your issues around your availability. Similarly, Panic Away provides you with self-help materials that you can undertake at your own pace. However, it's a self-help program and you have no contact with a therapist.

The Bottom Line

I think Panic Away can provide great value for money if you struggle with anxiety and panic attacks. Its self-help content, across video, audio, and book, can be taken at your own pace. It provides techniques that utilize a combination of cognitive behavioral therapy and logotherapy to help you naturally recover from anxiety episodes across a range of situations.

Panic Away offers two choices: digital or physical content. The digital content is available in a cheaper package ($67) and can be downloaded immediately. The course materials are yours to keep forever, including access to a members’ forum.

Frequently Asked Questions
How long does it take for a panic attack to go away?+-

Panic attacks can last between 5-20 minutes. However, the duration of an attack depends on you as an individual and the severity of the attack. With Panic Away’s program, you’ll be taught techniques that may be able to help you get through a panic attack more quickly.

Is Panic Away legit?+-

Panic Away is a legitimate program that claims to have reached over 150,000 sufferers of anxiety and panic attacks. The book that is derived from the Panic Away program has sold over 80,000 copies.

Does the Panic Away System cure anyone?+-

Panic Away does not claim it can cure anyone’s anxiety, which is why it has an eight-week money-back guarantee. It claims to be able to help many individuals, but some cases might need more professional support from a licensed therapist.

Dr. Joshua Moreton is a psychologist with a PhD specializing in social cognition and social psychology. With his experience as a Mental Health Practitioner, he has dedicated his career to working with individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. His expertise in the field has led to him becoming a contributing writer to top10.com, where he shares his insights and knowledge.

The author of this article has been paid by Natural Intelligence to write this article. Neither the author nor Natural Intelligence provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you think you may have a medical emergency, call your doctor or your local emergency number immediately.


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