As you embody the true nature of your senses, the new moon inspires you to embark on new beginnings toward the waxing moon, which challenges your spiritual growth and creativity.
The full moon then illuminates your most profound sensitivities, showing you to slow down towards the waning moon, which encourages you to finish off projects and release energies that no longer serve you.
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Why Harness the Power of the Full Moon?
The moon, when full, brings out a mysterious nocturnal light that emphasizes the energies of spiritual growth, romance, art, new beginnings, and beauty. The power of the full moon is perfect for promoting creativity and growth.
You can activate the magic of the full moon with each affirmation below by lighting incense, smudging sage, closing your eyes, and falling into a deep trance of meditation.
As you create this sacred space within your soul, repeat each affirmation seven times to emphasize the power of manipulating energy to attract what you want.
Here are 10 life-changing full moon affirmations for financial success.
1. It Comes Back to Me Tenfold

"Every pentacle I spend with good intention comes back to me tenfold in prosperous abundance."
This powerful affirmation aligns your goodwill and recognizes that you are creating an exchange with the universe for all time and money spent. In addition, it provides reassurance that your time and money are never lost and, with good intentions, will always come back to you magnified.
Through the power of the full moon, you can attract financial success by consciously investing in yourself and purchasing seeds that will bloom into a forest over time.
2. I Give in to My Creative Inspirations

"I give in to my creative inspirations and allow the divine universe to dance through me."
This powerful affirmation aligns with your instincts to act without resistance and follow the pulls of your spirit. We are consistently cocreating with the divine. Our souls know when to release resistance and surrender to our inspirations.
With the power of the full moon, you can attract financial success by aligning with the impulses of your soul and acting on the creations gifted to you.
3. I Follow the Flow of My Soul

"I connect to my soul and follow its flow."
This powerful affirmation aligns with your soul's intention to connect to what you truly need. As you align your chakras and follow the flow of your soul, you allow it to become the driver of your mind and body.
In the power of the full moon, you can attract financial success by diving into the depths of your spirit and allowing it to guide you and your intentions through the currents of your journey.
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4. I Choose What Is Best for Me

"I am kind to myself. I take care of myself. It is not selfish to do what is best for me."
This powerful affirmation aligns you with your heart and ability to be compassionate, forgiving, and nurturing. It also removes the guilt, shame, and insecurities that come with sacrificing ourselves to put everyone else's needs before our own.
With this affirmation, you can attract financial success by taking care of yourself first and filling your cup of pure health to create your fountain of prosperity and youth.
5. I Am Filled with the Energy of Eternal Love

"I release and let go of all tension and let the energy of eternal love fill my guided heart, mind, body, and soul."
This powerful affirmation aligns you with unconditional love, which helps to dissolve any frustration, tension, or conflict that may have arisen.
Through the power of the full moon, you can attract financial success by releasing the pain and fear that prevents you from attracting abundance.
6. I Am Cleansed of Any Impurities

"I hold hands with the divine and allow the healing energy to cleanse me of any impurities."
This powerful affirmation connects you with the source always available to you. It helps you recognize that you are part of a mass particle wave of energy forever flowing through the intricate webs of the universe.
By repeating this affirmation, you can attract financial success and maintain an energetic flow of abundance by allowing the healing energy to cleanse you of any impurities.
7. I Welcome All That Is Already Mine

"I am patient and allow divine timing to bring all that is already mine as I learn to stand still and participate in the present being."
This powerful affirmation connects you to the immortality of your soul. Your soul understands that time is solely an illusion that separates you from the present.
In the power of the full moon, you can attract financial success by eliminating the lack mentality that comes with not having enough. Instead, a patient mentality aligns you with your higher purpose, attracting what you need in divine timing.
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8. It Is My Divine Birthright

"It is my divine birthright to be connected to all the enriching miracles bestowed on my existence."
This powerful affirmation connects you to your authentic abundance. It emphasizes that you came into this life with unique gifts and talents and relates you to a higher purpose.
With the power of the full moon, you can attract financial success by claiming your worth in this life and connecting to all paths, miracles, and opportunities made just for you.
9. I Will Transform into a Higher Version of Myself

"I am not afraid to release an old idea of myself. I am proud to transform into a higher version of who I truly am."
This powerful affirmation reaffirms your truth and helps you claim confidence in who you are.
With this affirmation and the power of the full moon, you can attract financial success by opening your mind to unlimited possibilities. Here, you'll find the courage to release old perceptions and transform yourself.
10. I Am Grounded and Safe

"The cosmos and all spiritual connections aligned with abundance, vitality, nature, health, and love keep me grounded and safe."
This powerful affirmation provides you with protection under the tree of life. It also gives you faith in your connection to the whole.
Through the power of the full moon, you can attract financial success by sharing your dreams, desires, and wishes with the collective through unity and everlasting support. This grounds you and carries you forward.
It's Time to Welcome Abundance into Your Life
"I have everything I need here and now. As I bask in this euphoric knowing, I attract much more abundance into my life."
Many religions worldwide use the lunar cycle to find the best time to start something new or end a specific period. They are in tune with the lunar cycles and connected to the tides of the seasons.
You, too, can harness the moon's power by establishing set rituals that bring you closer to financial success.
By repeating these affirmations during the next full moon, you'll experience more excellent health, wealth, prosperity, and love. As you activate the magic of the full moon, you'll be able to find what you truly need and connect with your abundance.
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