As a professional pet psychic who consults through online psychic reading sites, I'm often asked if astrology can provide insights into a dog's personality and behaviors. Just like people, our furry companions have their own unique traits that are influenced by the position of the planets at the time of their birth.
Understanding your dog's astrological sign can help you build a stronger bond. Here's how psychic mediums can help you more deeply interpret your dog's zodiac sign to understand their temperament better and how it may influence their behavior.
» These are the best online psychic mediums for pets.
Exploring the 12 Dog Zodiac Signs
Aries Dog (March 21–April 20)
Aries dogs are outgoing and energetic. They love playtime and staying active, which helps prevent boredom and misbehavior. Aries pets also learn quickly but are easily distracted by novelty. Their boldness makes them eager for attention and treats, sometimes pushing aside other pets in the home to get them first.
Taurus Dog (April 21–May 20)
Taurus dogs crave comfort, routine, and consistency. They are incredibly stubborn and resist changes to their schedule. Training requires great patience, as they are fixed in their ways once their mind is made up.
Food is very important to Taurus pets. They love to eat and may beg at the table, so it's essential to instill good habits early on. As homebodies, Taurus dogs adore cozy beds and familiar resting spots. Disruptions cause stress, so maintaining a steady routine makes them happy.
Gemini Dog (May 21–June 20)
Gemini dogs are very sociable and eager to meet new people and animals. Their curious nature makes them likely to wander when off-leash, as they love exploring. Geminis enjoy learning tricks and solving puzzles that provide mental stimulation. Providing outlets for their friendliness and inquisitiveness will keep them happily engaged.
Cancer Dog (June 21–July 20)
Cancer dogs are nurturing and may try to "parent" other pets or children. They're also sweet-tempered but prone to separation anxiety. Having a cuddly toy or blanket provides comfort when alone, and as highly sensitive pets, they may hide if scolded.
Cancers enjoy water play and baths. Their sweet tooth means human foods could tempt them, so treats should be kept secure. Overall, a soothing home environment matters most to these caring yet delicate dogs.
Leo Dog (July 21–August 20)
Leo dogs crave attention and praise. They enjoy being groomed, dressed up, and fussed over. Their regal nature means they expect deference from other dogs, and they thrive as the center of attention, readily learning tricks and skills to show off.
These highly social pets need plenty of praise and interaction. Healthy treats are fine, but your love will motivate them more than food. Moreover, Leo dogs revel in the spotlight, so give them activities and affection to satisfy their dramatic spirits.
Virgo Dog (August 21–September 20)
Smart and duty-oriented, Virgo dogs can easily grasp training and thrive when given tasks to perform. This makes them excellent working dogs. They dislike getting muddy or dirty, so bathing and grooming is usually straightforward.
Virgo dogs may be shy and occasionally short-tempered, but early socialization can foster patience and tolerance. Getting a Virgo dog to stick to a nutritious diet and wholesome treats is easy as they typically resist the temptation of junk food or sweets.
Libra Dog (September 21–October 20)
Libra dogs have a warm and affectionate nature, showering affection freely on familiar faces and newcomers alike. Be prepared for your Libra pup to be an escape artist, though, as their quest for balance might lead them to scale fences outdoors or jump safety gates inside.
Highly adaptable, they won't bat an eye at schedule changes or even moving houses. They thrive on companionship, enjoying the presence of other pets, and they appreciate comfortable surroundings.
While Libras love learning new tricks, balance is key! Keep them mentally sharp with playtime and training, but avoid overindulging in decadent treats.
Scorpio Dog (October 21–November 20)
Scorpio dogs are incredibly loyal and highly protective of their chosen companion. They crave giving and receiving affection, creating a deep sense of security in their relationship. However, their secretive nature can manifest in hidden stashes of toys and bones, adding a playful mystery to their personality.
If upset or jealous, they might resort to mischievous acts like chewing your favorite belongings or strategically placed "accidents" to get your attention.
With that said, social interaction isn't a high priority for Scorpios. They're perfectly content with your company alone, and all it takes to build a rewarding and unique bond with your Scorpio dog is understanding and patience.
Sagittarius Dog (November 21–December 20)
The Sagittarius dog assumes the role of the clown and comic in the dog Zodiac. However, they consider human smiles and laughter to be the ultimate praise. They eagerly embrace learning tricks and will perform them even without your commands.
Sagittarius dogs possess intelligence and thrive on challenging, complex games to maintain their interest. These dogs are also social and friendly and exhibit almost no fear. Noise, crowds, or changes in routine rarely disrupt them; in their view, it's all positive.
However, it's essential to avoid excessive indulgence. Monitor their food and treat intake to ensure they stay at their best athletic and entertaining selves.
Capricorn Dog (December 21–January 20)
Typically, Capricorn dogs are composed and not easily agitated. They're adept learners, finding comfort in order and organization. They prefer their toys neatly arranged in a specific spot and respect your belongings.
The Capricorn dog's fondness for the outdoors coexists with a cautious approach to new environments. They display a sure-footedness and enthusiasm for activities like hiking, even in challenging terrain.
Aquarius Dog (January 21–February 20)
The Aquarius dog typically demonstrates humanitarian tendencies coupled with high intelligence and a strong desire for knowledge. They'll seek to understand everything about you, other dogs, animals, and their surroundings in-depth.
The Aquarius dog is also loyal and brave and enjoys helping somehow. Their behavior can be somewhat unpredictable, though, and they'll occasionally do something unexpected.
They may seem indifferent to basic routines like feeding and play/exercise times, but they do enjoy praise for being a contributing and helpful member of the household.
Pisces Dog (February 21–March 20)
While all dogs give unconditional love, Pisces dogs epitomize devotion. They pine when separated from their owner for too long, and they even seem to know when their owner is returning home. They're highly attuned to your moods and feelings and will offer comfort when you're sad or stressed.
Pisces dogs aim to please but don't respond well to harsh discipline. They're also sensitive and can become timid if scolded too severely. However, with positive reinforcement, they learn quickly.
Pisces dogs tend to be somewhat inactive, so they need encouragement and incentives to exercise and play regularly.
» See if your dog is one of the luckiest zodiac signs.

Canine Horoscopes
Here's what's in the stars for each dog's zodiac sign in the year ahead:
Aries Dog: Meeting new friends and playmates will be a highlight this year. Take your Aries dog to a new dog park or walk a new route. You’ll both meet nice new people on your way. Home life will be busy, so keep your dog engaged in constructive activities with plenty of time for rest.
Taurus Dog: A new addition to the family—animal or human—may mean your Taurus dog craves more assurance and affection this year. Adjustment may be a bit challenging, but everything will work out fine with some patience and extra love. Your dog may be stubborn about learning new routines, but it will come around.
Gemini Dog: This year, you will likely spend more quality time bonding with your Gemini dog, and they will relish the increased togetherness. To keep your energetic friend engaged, incorporate new toys and games into your playtime routine to keep time with your Gemini dog exciting and fun.
Cancer Dog: Family is always essential to your Cancer dog, but it will be even more so this coming year. They may exhibit increased clinginess and separation anxiety, and you should expect them to be highly attuned to your emotional state. Provide ample physical affection and quality one-on-one time to fulfill your dog's craving for closeness.
Leo Dog: This will be a high-energy year for your Leo dog. You may notice more restlessness and a need for more exercise and play. Make time for this, or your Leo may get sulky or bored. Watch his or her diet carefully since nervous energy may cause some digestive upsets.
Virgo Dog: This year may involve a change of residence for you and your Virgo dog, bringing you closer to family and friends. While positive overall, this move will temporarily disrupt the predictable routines valued by Virgo dogs. Initially, they may seem restless or anxious in the new environment, but they will adapt. Lavish them with affection and praise when they exhibit improvement and maintain training to hasten acclimation.
Libra Dog: Your Libra dog may have some unexpected bursts of energy this year. Balance is always important to this sign, so make sure that you are keeping up with their feeding and exercise routines. Those energy bursts might make you or other animals and people in the household nervous—make sure everyone is flexible and has some fun with the additional energy.
Scorpio Dog: In the upcoming year, give your Scorpio dog additional quiet time. Allow them to enjoy their personal space, and be ready to provide extra attention, affection, and reassurance when necessary. Maintain a peaceful and routine home life, as your Scorpio dog might be sensitive to your and others' emotions and moods.
Sagittarius Dog: Your Sagittarius dog is a “lucky dog” indeed this year! He or she gets lots of attention and praise at home and out in the world. If you show your Sagittarius dog or they participate in performance competitions, look to take top honors in 2025.
Capricorn Dog: Already cherished by you and your family, your Capricorn dog will be recognized and admired by a broader community in 2025. It's also an excellent year to prioritize their health and fitness, so make necessary adjustments to their diet and exercise routine to ensure they stay in top form.
Aquarius Dog: In 2025, your Aquarius dog continues to express their true nature easily. However, you may notice some unexpected behavioral changes, both positive and not-so-positive. After ruling out any medical causes, determine which changes to reinforce and which to nip in the bud. Also, provide your Aquarius dog with opportunities for new experiences, even if it simply involves altering your walking route.
Pisces Dog: In 2025, your Pisces dog might experience increased emotional fluctuations, appearing more shy or nervous. Provide additional affection and reassurance to support them. Be mindful of your own moods, as your highly intuitive Pisces dog will be sensitive to your emotions. Maintain a loving, optimistic, and calm demeanor to ensure a happy year for both of you.
» Learn how to tune in and telepathically communicate with your dog.
What Is a Sun Sign?
In astrology, your sun sign is determined by where the sun was positioned in the zodiac at the time you were born. The same goes for our canine friends. The influences of planets on each astrological sign can be more detailed if the exact date, time, and place of birth are known. But just knowing the date alone can still give some valuable insight.
If you don’t know exactly when your dog was born, that’s ok. Your vet may be able to give you an approximate birth date. If your dog was a stray you rescued, you could use the date you brought them home. If you adopted them from a shelter, the date the shelter took them in can also be used. Both can be helpful to use as their “rescue birthday” and give you insight into their personality.
A dog's sun sign provides the foundation for their personality. Of course, factors like breed, age, and life experiences also shape a dog's personality and character. But knowing their sun sign can provide a glimpse into your dog's inherent nature so you can better nurture their needs and tendencies.
Consulting a Pet Psychic
For deeper insights on how astrology influences your dog’s personality and life, consider scheduling a session with a pet psychic. As a professional animal communicator, I bridge the inter-species communication gap through various psychic gifts.
In a reading, I first ground and center myself, then tune into the dog’s energy through clairsentience, clairvoyance, and clairaudience. This allows me to perceive information about their emotional state, past experiences, personality traits, and more.
I may notice physical issues that manifest and require veterinary attention. Alternatively, I can identify emotional patterns linked to anxiety or misbehavior that may benefit from training adjustments.
My aim is always to provide loving guidance on nurturing the human-animal bond. Understanding your dog better—whether through astrology, energy work, or intuitive communication—is a beautiful pathway to deepening your friendship.
Embracing Doggy Destiny With Psychic Insights
For a more profound exploration of your dog's personality and life, consider consulting a pet psychic who can provide valuable insights and guidance to strengthen the human-animal bond. Understanding your dog, whether through astrology, energy work, or intuitive communication, opens the door to a deeper and more meaningful connection.
» Here are the 10 questions to ask your pet in a guided psychic communication session.