My journey with the I Ching created changes and transformations within me, improving my psychic readings. However, I had no control over where it would take me. The I Ching connected me to the spirits of Heaven and Earth to shape my fate positively and question the wisdom which arose.
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What Is the I Ching?
Almost five thousand years ago, the legendary Chinese emperor, Fu Hsi, created a perfect mathematical model of conditions and change elements called the I Ching ("Book of Changes"). This ancient divination system and philosophical text has evolved over time, with contributions from figures such as King Wen, Duke of Zhou, and Confucius.
When I first learned about the I Ching, I remember reading that the emperor observed the movements under heaven and how nature would govern the cosmic laws. This understanding led to a collection of advice, poetry, and texts that have been used for centuries to offer insight, foster change, and provide guidance in decision-making.
The I Ching consists of 64 six-line symbols called the Kua (hexagram), each pointing to a specific selection of texts. As a psychic, I enhance my psychic abilities by consulting the I Ching. But you don't need to be psychic to interpret this fortune-telling method—The I Ching is a way of life, accessible to everyone.
I have followed ten steps that made me perceive the beginning of all things beyond the ideas that had yet to manifest themselves. And I would like to share them with you, inviting you to delve deeper into the wisdom of the I Ching.

1. Connect to Your Flow
The I Ching knows that the elements of nature move the tides of events and the current of actions and thoughts in our world.
To connect to the energy in the air while practicing I Ching, I first connect to my soul and follow its flow. By trusting my intuition and allowing my soul to pull me and take me in the direction I need to go, I move outside my mind and into the present toward what feels true.
2. Balance Your Emotions
Messages from the I Ching can only be received when our emotions are in balance. So during a reading, it's important to be detached from your emotions and connect to the broader view of your story.
Balancing my emotions allows me to let go of what I'm feeling and receive the reading with clarity.

3. Be Present and Focused on the Now
As a psychic, I find it easy to become distracted by telepathic messages and inner and outer conversations within the collective and myself.
During an I Ching reading, I focus on staying connected to my body, controlling my mind and soul's movement. This allows me to avoid being influenced by channels that aren't mine.
The I Ching teaches us that though we cannot control nature's rhythm outside of us, we can control how we see and respond to its movement.
» Enter a present state of being through the power of meditation.
4. Embrace Your Darkness and Light
The I Ching principles teach that duality exists in all life. So I don't hide from my darkness or shy away from my light during a reading.
On the contrary, I love myself as a whole, in progress, within the changes, and evolving throughout life. Once I realized that I could not escape the captivity of my light, I learned to shine in my darkness with full embrace.

5. Balance Your Yin and Yang
I Ching teaches that masculine and feminine energies intertwine and flow in balance to maintain harmony.
I learned to allow my masculine energy to lead, guide, protect, and be creative with complete integrity. At the same time, my feminine energy trusts to receive all that nourishes my flow and full expression.
6. Encompass the Cosmic Energies of Heaven and Earth
It's interesting how the Earth is always receptive to the creative energies of the Heavens. Still, throughout history, we continue to bestow divine leadership on emperors, kings, and rulers only to see them fall after idolizing their own power—a power gifted to them by the Heavens.
The I Ching knows I am of the Heavens and Earth, the cosmic skies, and elements of nature. The Earth is receptive to the actions of the Heavens—an accurate description of the physical reality in which I live.

7. Practice Divination With the Visionary I Ching Cards
I consult my Visionary I Ching Cards and focus on what is real, becoming grounded in my wise mind and separated from my ego's desires. Here, I know everything will work out as it should.
When I practice divination with the Visionary I Ching Cards, I first pull a present card and look at its meaning in the guidebook. Then, I look at the meaning of its lines, which are usually in the top corner of the card.
Finally, I pull a future card and only reference the lines that are different from the present card. This helps me understand my own transformation.
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8. Practice Divination With Chinese Bronze Coins
I also practice divination by tossing Chinese bronze coins, as I find it straightforward. When tossing these coins, I always use the Book of Change to guide me in understanding each hexagram's meaning.
To help you on your I Ching journey, I have included the steps I usually follow when practicing divination with Chinese bronze coins:
- Take three coins and toss them
- Count how many coins landed heads up (heads = 3)
- Count how many coins landed tails up (tails = 2)
- Your total should add up to either 6, 7, 8, or 9
- Draw the corresponding line of each number, starting from the bottom
- Repeat this five more times for a total of six throws/lines
- After the sixth throw, look for and identify the meaning of your hexagram

9. Practice Divination With Yarrow Stalks
I admit that counting yarrow stalks is a bit more complex and does require more patience. I usually start by dividing the yarrow stalks into two piles. One pile for Yin and one pile for Yang.
First, I take one stalk from the Yin bundle and place it on the table. Then, I do the same with a stalk from the Yang pile. I keep doing this until there are either 4 or 8 stalks on both sides. The principle is similar to the one with bronze coins—four stalks equal 3, and eight stalks equal 2. So I continue with these steps until I'm able to draw a hexagram of six lines.
10. Journal in Your I Ching Workbook
By consulting my I Ching Workbook, I can note the date I experienced a specific situation and the Kua (hexagram) number I received from either the I Ching Cards, yarrow stalks, or bronze coins.
I can then receive the answers I need by determining which lines need to change so that I can transform into my next Divine state of being.

I Ching Reading: Advice From an Expert Psychic
The I Ching connects us to the subtle energies that shape our reality. That's why we cannot approach readings with detailed questions limited by our minds.
Instead, we must come with an open mind, detached from our ego-driven desires to see the bigger picture beyond our circumstances. By embracing the intuitive insights that stem from the I Ching, we can tap into our inner dragon.
If you need more clarity or insight regarding your I Ching readings, you can consult psychics from California Psychics or Psychic Source. These experts can help you navigate changes and transformations in your life by interpreting the wisdom of the I Ching.
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