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Teleflora Flower Delivery Review

Kale Haverold

In a Nutshell

Teleflora works with tens of thousands of local florists to deliver fresh, hand-arranged bouquets. A wide variety of flowers and arrangements are available and it delivers worldwide. The company has been in the flower delivery business for several decades. Many orders are shipped the same day, and the company offers 24/7 support. While some arrangements are expensive, Teleflora offers budget-friendly options and a rewards program.


  • Same-day shipping on many orders
  • Incredibly diverse selection of flowers
  • Delivers all over the world


  • No subscription option for customers
  • Doesn’t offer many other gifting options outside of flowers

Teleflora at a Glance

Editorial Score

Starting Price


Delivery Area

Delivers nationally and internationally

Delivery Speed

Offers same-day delivery for extra charge

Flower Subscriptions

No subscriptions offered

Customer Support

Support via phone and email

Teleflora Teleflora Visit Site

Types of flowers and bouquets 

Teleflora offers many different types of flowers in all colors, including roses, carnations, lilies, sunflowers, and peonies. It also provides bouquets for specific occasions or celebrations, such as birthdays, Valentine’s Day, Christmas, Thanksgiving, and Easter.

Other offerings

In addition to flowers, the company offers gifts like chocolates, balloons, and stuffed animals. The chocolates and stuffed animals come in small, medium, or large sizes. You can add one, two, or three for the balloons.

Teleflora uses multi-colored Mylar balloons, and the chocolate box is selected by your local florist and generally features gourmet chocolates or truffles. The stuffed animal is chosen by the designer to complement the flowers. You can request a particular type of stuffed animal, but there are no guarantees the company will be able to meet your request.

Teleflora Pricing 

Pricing at Teleflora ranges from $34.99 to $1,259.99. You can choose anything from small bouquets with only a few stems to large, luxury arrangements bundles.

Many bouquets/arrangements also come in standard, deluxe, and premium sizes, becoming more expensive the larger you buy. For example, the Make a Wish bouquet costs $39.99 in the standard size, $49.99 in the deluxe, and $59.99 in the premium size.

Adding balloons to your arrangement costs $5.99 for one, $10.99 for two, and $15.99 for three. Stuffed animals cost $9.99 for small, $19.99 for medium and $29.99 for large. To add chocolates, you’ll have to pay $9.99 for a small box, $19.99 for a medium box, and $29.99 for a large box.

There’s a $17.99 service fee for all orders delivered in the USA, which is subject to change during some holiday periods. The service fee/shipping for international deliveries varies from location to location.

How to Send Flowers with Teleflora

The process for sending flowers is quick and easy. After searching the options and finding the flowers you want to send, you can add them to your cart. When you’re ready to complete your purchase, proceed to the checkout and provide your payment information and the delivery address/instructions.

Delivery times vary. Most orders are delivered on the same day as long as they’re made before 2pm on a weekday and 12pm on a weekend. However, some rural addresses and other destinations like hospitals, cemeteries, and hotels can’t be given a guaranteed delivery time.

Delivery could also be slower around holidays due to increased demand, and the company recommends you order five days or more before major holidays.

You can contact the company for assistance if you’re having trouble with any part of the process.

Teleflora Teleflora Visit Site

Is Teleflora Legit?

Teleflora has been around for nearly a century and is among the world's largest online flower delivery services. The company has been reviewed thousands of times on Trustpilot and maintains a 3.1 rating.

Many positive reviews highlight the ease of ordering and the quality of the service in general. People also love the selection of flowers available. However, there are some negative reviews, most mentioning the bouquets don’t look as they do on the site.

What’s Unique About Teleflora?

Teleflora stands out in offering discounts for military customers and first responders.

In addition, all bouquets are hand-arranged, and it doesn't sell pre-packaged flowers. The company has a Deal of the Day service, where you can get a one-of-a-kind bouquet created by your local florist that uses the freshest seasonal flowers at the time.

The company also offers a rewards program where you earn one point for every dollar you spend. Points are used to get discounts or upgrade your bouquets. For example, for 50 points, you get $5 off, and for 100 points, you can upgrade a standard bouquet to deluxe.

Help and Support

Teleflora offers customer support via phone, email, and live chat. Phone support is available 24/7 at 800-493-5610.  You must submit an online form if you’d prefer to communicate via email. Starting a live chat on the site is easy, and I was able to get connected to a human agent in seconds.

The website has a comprehensive FAQ page covering various topics, such as placing orders and delivery information. It also features a blog that covers topics like how to cut and protect flowers. In addition, there are guides on choosing the right flowers for different occasions, giving gifts, and more.

Bottom Line

Teleflora is a great option for those looking to order flowers online. It works with local florists worldwide to deliver fresh flowers and offers various options for various occasions.

The same-day shipping and 24/7 customer support are also highlights of working with the company. Whether you want to pick up some high-end and luxurious arrangements or are on a budget, Teleflora likely has something for you.


What payment methods does Teleflora accept?

Teleflora accepts credit cards, PayPal, and Afterpay.

Does Teleflora have a rewards program?

Yes, Teleflora offers a rewards program for customers. You earn points by placing orders and referring friends. These points are used to get discounts or upgrade your bouquets.

Does Teleflora deliver on Sundays?

It depends on where you’re ordering from. If a florist in your area is open and delivers on Sunday, Teleflora can place an order for delivery for this day.

Kale Haverold has over 5 years of experience crafting articles about credit cards, loans, debt, and a raft of other personal finance topics. Beyond contributing to Top10.com, he his writing has been featured on BestMoney, Yahoo, Hardbacon, and Loans Canada. Kale's easy-to-digest, research-driven articles stem from his passion to share knowledge that helps readers make informed financial decisions.

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